diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2009


TV is bad for us and the world would be a better place without it. Do you agree?

Some people say that television is bad for us and we would be happier without it. In my opinion it isn’t true because we need television in our life.

They say that many people spend too much time watching TV and it’s bad for their sight so they shouldn’t watch it. I agree that it’s bad for eyes but I don’t believe that we needn’t watch it. Personally, I think that watching TV is important because it shows us what is happening in the world. Next, In my opinion, watching TV is a good entertainment when you are stressed and tired because of work. Then, It’s clear that television is also a good way to spend the time together in family.

However, I know that many people are TV addicts and it’s bad for their health. I think that these people should watch it less and do more exercise. It’s true that we could do other things like studying, painting or going out with friends instead of watch TV.

In conclusion, I’d say that TV is good for us because it brings us information and entertainment but we ought to watch it moderately.


This summer I went to Galicia with my parents. We travelled by car, it was a slowly trip so I was slightly bored. When we arrived I noticed of some differences from here: it was more beautiful and wild than Catalonia. Maybe it was because we spend the first week in a peaceful country away from the city. We travelled by boat on the Sil river and we lay on the sand. It was a week for rest and spend the day all the family together. The second week was more exciting. We visited lots of cities and we did more activities.

People always told me that Galicia was extremely cold and humid, I suppose it’s true but we spend the two weeks wearing shorts and t-shirts because those days were really sunny. Galicia’s food is a little bit traditional for me, I prefer other kind of food more exotic. However I ate delicious meals which aren’t easy to found here. People there is fairly outgoing and welcoming but they aren’t much different from us.

Galicia is an amazing place to visit with lots of activities to do. I like the hot tubs in Outariz mostly and, for me, the two bests cities are Lugo, where is really modern and crowded, and Santiago de Compostela, with its historical monuments and stories.
If I can I would to go back there but I prefer visit others places that I have never been. The world is too huge!

diumenge, 11 d’octubre del 2009

3, Jacint Verdaguer Street
17176 Sant Esteve d’en Bas

Dear Mark,

In this letter I want to describe you one festival which we celebrate every year. It’s my birthday, on the 3rd of August. I love this day because I become older, I get presents and I spend a great time.

When I was little, we used to spend this day in Switzerland, because we always went there on holidays.
I used to get up very early in the morning because I looked forward to opening my presents. We used to put up decorations and set up the sound system. For lunch, we used to eat an enormous birthday cake. Then we used to play games with all the family.
Now we usually do different activities like going to Europa park, that is a thematic park in Deutschland, or go to the beach.
I celebrate my birthday with my friends too, however it is another day. We normally go to the restaurant and then we go out to the disco. It’s fantastic!

Can you tell me how do you celebrate your birthday, or what’s your favourite festival?

Write me as soon as possible.


dilluns, 8 de juny del 2009


- Dix mots que tu as appris pendant ces trois jours.
- un comprimé ( una aspirina )
- le chargeur du portable ( carregador del mòbil )
- voilier ( vaixell )
- ©’est pareil ( són iguals )
- je t’emmère ( jo et porto )
- la guerre ( la guerra )
- un jeu de cartes ( un joc de cartes )
- je m’en fou! ( m’és igual! )
- le maquillage ( el maquillatge )
- des lardons ( bacon )

- La visite que tu as préférée.
Ma visite préférée est le voyage avec voilier et visiter la citée .

- Le moment que tu as préféré.
Le moment que je préférée est le voyage avec voiler, aller à la piscine et faire du shopping.

- Ce que tu sais de la famille de ton correspondant et la vie de ton correspondant.
Mon correspondant s’appelle Marie. Elle a un frère et deux sœurs. Son père est marié avec la mère de Louise, la correspondant de Sílvia. Je suis allée a la maison de Louis avec Marie les trois jours.

- Le détail que tu n’as pas beaucoup apprécié.
Je crois que trois jours est insuffisant.

- Tes sentiments sur cette expérience.
Géniale, j’adore Montpellier et ses habitants(L)

diumenge, 3 de maig del 2009


Ingrédients pour la recette de Tarte a l'orange :

Fond de tarte
4 oeufs
3 cuillerées à soupe d'eau chaude
150 g de sucre
1 sachet de sucre vanillé
100 g de farine
1 sachet de levure chimique
zeste d'orange râpé
Crème à l'orange: 1/2 litre de jus d'orange fraîchement pressé
1 sachet d'entremets à la vanille en poudre
zeste d'orange râpé
75 g de sucre
1 dl de crème fraîche
Garniture: 80 g de paillettes de chocolat amer
6 oranges moyennes
250 g de sucre
2 dl d'eau

Préparation de la Tarte a l'orange :

Mélanger les jaunes d'oeufs, l'eau tiède, le sucre et le sucre vanillé pour obtentir d'une masse mousseuse. Y joindre la farine, la levure chimique et le zeste d'orange. Cuire la pâte.  Laisser refroidir. Lier la poudre d'entremets vanillé avec 6 cuillerées à soupe de jus d'orange. Porter à ébullition le reste du jus d'orange avec le sucre et le zeste. Refaire un bouillon, puis laisser refroidir. Battre la crème fraîche et l'ajouter en remuant. Partager le fond de la tarte en trois. Déposer sur la première part 1/3 de la crème, saupoudrer de la moitié des paillettes de chocolat. Faire de même pour la deuxième part. Couvrir de la troisième part, napper du reste de la crème. Peler les oranges et les couper en tranches. Faire chauffer l'eau avec le sucre, laisser cuire à feu doux pendant 20 mn environ. Faire frémir pendant 3 mn, les tranches d'oranges. Les retirer à l'aide de l'écumoire, égoutter et laisser refroidir. Disposer la tarte sur un plat et décorer avec les tranches d'oranges. On peut également garnir de crème fouettée.


We have chosen to talk about Robbie Williams because he is a very popular singer all over the world. He sings pop and generally songs of love. We love his songs.

Robert Peter Maximilian Williams was born the 3rt February in 1974, in Britain. He has got an older sister called Sally. His father, Pete Conway, is a comedian actor. His mother is called Teresa Jeanette Williams. Robbie had got a normal childhood. At the age of 3, his parents get to divorce. He went to live at Stoke-on-Trent with his mother and his sister. His first school was Millhill Primary School, in Stake. Robbie was joker, nice and funny. He wasn’t good at school but in sports he was the best and he was a popular boy. Then he want to the St. Margaret Wars high school, where he had studied until 16 years old. He pass all the exams with good marks. He knew he wanted to be an actor, but his first job was a window’s seller, in the company’s boyfriend’s sister.  He left the job because he couldn’t  lie at the buyers, he said that the windows were very expencive so he didn’t sell much. Then he joined in a band called Take That. The members were: Gary Barlow, Mark Owen, Jason orange y Howard Donald. The band was a success but later Robbie left the band and started to sing own.

We think that Robbie Williams is a fantastic singer and person, so we like him so much. Our favourites songs are She’s the one, Angels and Feel. We recommended his songs because they are very lovely and emotional.

Now you can watch a Robbie's video.

dilluns, 9 de març del 2009


Moi, je veux être journaliste parce que je suis organisée, dynamique et ouverte. Je sais écoute et j'ai un diplôme universitaire. Je connais des langues étrangères.

Voyage à Rome

Lundi darnier nous sommes allés à Rome. Nous avons passé des jours fantastiques! Nous sommes allés en avion lundi à 5 du matin. Nous avons visité la cité de Rome, par example, la Fontana Di Trevi, le Coliseau et la place Espagne. Il y avait beaucoup de carabinieri! Il n'y avait pas beaucoup de beaux garçons mais en êté il y en a plein! Nous avons mange beaucoup de pâta et nous n'avons pas aimé!

diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2009


My city is called Olot. It is a small city in La Garrotxa.
Now, I'm goig to compare Olot with another city: New York.
New York has more than 9.500.000 inhabitants and Olot has only 22.786, so New York is bigger than Olot.
New York has got more monuments and famous sightseeing things than Olot. For example, the statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Grand Central Station, the Empire State Building or the Times Square.
The most beautiful place f Olot is, probably, the volcanoes.
I believe New York is better than Olot, because of its restaurants, the cinemas, the shops, the night life and the monuments. But Olot has got a better thing than NY, it's that Olot is quieter and natural.
Well, for all these amazing things in New York, I want to visit this city one day.

Olot.........................................New York

diumenge, 15 de febrer del 2009

Video wishes

I think that the most interesting and nice sentence is:
Don’t cry because it’s over. Just smile because it happened to you.
For me this is a very real and emotive sentense.
I love the sentence than says:
Everybody will know what you appear to be, but very few will really know who you are.
The photos that are with this phrases aren’t my favorite.
The bests photos are, for example, that says:
Living life is drawing, with no need for a sketch.The higher your plans, the harder they fall.


One day, a yuppie prince arrived at a strange town. There were strange people, war, drugs... He didn't use to live like this. The yuppie prince had got special objects because his mother was a fairy. When he arrived, everybody was at home. Suddenly, he saw a punk. He was drinking alcohl and was having drugs. The yuppie prince went there and used a digital watch which told he how many years somebody ha left to live. Then, he said:

- " If you contine telling drugs and drinking, you will die at the age of 40. So you only have got 15 years of life! "

- " What are you saying?" " You are silly! " - shouted the punk.

The prince gave him the watch and cought a flynig car to leave.
Later, he met a terrorist, who wanted to kill somebody. The prince gave him a magic mp3 which turned bad people into good people.
Few minutes later the yuppie prince met a hamster that was really a film star. He performed very bad but he was greedy and vain. The prince put the hamster into a magic jacuzzi and become kind and grateful.
The yuppie prince rang his fairy grandmother and she congratulated him for his good causes.
Finally a news reporter interviewed him!

diumenge, 25 de gener del 2009

Ma biographie.

Je suis née au 3 d'août de 1993. J'ai étudiée au Verntallat et actuellement au Bosc de la Coma. Dans les deux années j'ai gagnée un prix de dessin de les volcans de la Garrotxa, et d'autres prix. Dans les huit années j'ai jouée a basket-ball et dans les onze années j'ai practiquée de la natation. L'été dernier je suis allée a Italie avec mon parents. J'adore le cinéma et sortir avec mes amis.

Mon oncle.

Mon oncle travaille dans un entreprise. Il est responsable, aimable, ouvert et intelligent. Il gagne beaucoup d'argent.

Mon père.

Mon père est menuisier. Il porte les meubles dans leurs maisons et les montagnes. Il est actif, responsable, aimable et fort. Il travaille tous les jours, sarf les week-end.

Ma mère.

Ma mère est une éducateur social à La Fageda. Elle fait très bien son travail parce qu'elle est une personne sympathique, accueillante, souriante, ouverte... Elle travaille à partir de midi, et selon le jour pendant la nuit.